I had a spiritual attack in bed last night. It was related to a “sudden fear” item I got hit with yesterday afternoon. Such attacks almost always boil down to worry and then self-pity, a behavior pattern I picked up from past generations.
Even though many of my relatives were Christians, they allowed too many sins in their lives and worry and self-pity were two of the biggies – In Hebrews 11:6, the Bible says “without faith, it’s impossible to please God” to protect us from allowing fear in our lives. My relatives should have been doers of the Word and not hearers only no matter what their other Christian peers thought – The fear of man (always) brings a snare (Proverbs 29:25).
Now I’m not saying that I don’t sin in the areas of worry and self-pity from time to time. But with the Holy Spirit’s help, I’m having more and more victory in those areas and I’m asking my family’s forgiveness whenever I slip up to keep strongholds from taking root in their lives – Gordon, one of our Oregon pastors, taught us the valuable insight of asking forgiveness whenever we miss the mark.
fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
A few months ago, I read an online news article that said that teaching children about Christianity and Jesus ought to be outlawed stating it should be considered child abuse.
I can’t imagine much that would be worse than children (or anyone else) not being able to learn how they can take thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ; to be thankful in everything; to know that our loving Heavenly Father is able to work all things for our good. I know I’d be a major wreck if I’d never had the opportunity to learn how to replace fear and dismay with God’s truths.
I wonder how much substance abuse and other issues could be done away with if we could learn to cast all our cares on Christ.
And, the above three tremendous Biblical truths are just the beginning of the infinite benefits of Christianity, the Bible and Jesus, The Prince Of Peace.
Perhaps had the person who wrote the Christian child abuse article been around more Christians doing the Word, their perspective would have been different.
Let’s be doers of the Word, especially for the sake of our children and future generations. Memorize scripture that teaches us that we can trust God, that we cast all our care on Him and that He’s working all things for our good. (Keeping these wonderful truths close in our memories is so vital.) Please, for their sake, have your children memorize them.
Like me and others have done, please ask for God’s help in doing these things. He’s faithful. He’ll change us and others will be drawn to Him and His incredible salvation.