First, I want to keep reminding you to bless each other. The Bible says God is involved in our blessings when we bless each other and put His mighty name on each other. Things happen in the spiritual realm as we bless each other.
The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you,
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace,
And I put the Name of the God of the children of Israel on you and bless you in Jesus’ Name, the Name that is above every other name. Amen.
I want to encourage you like the Lord asks us to do in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 regarding the end times events we’re seeing all around us today.
Wow, I’m telling you, this is no time to get down about the world’s conditions – what God said would happen is happening. Don’t let yourself be consumed by what’s going on in the natural realm, but focus your attention on God’s supernatural realm – keep casting all your cares on Him for He careth for you.
Keep looking up to Heaven. Keep letting go of this earth. Let the things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of God’s glory and grace. Our redemption is drawing near. Do you believe that? You should. Your emotional well-being depends on it, on believing God’s Word, and by looking up.
Finally, rather than letting others drag your attention and emotions back to the things of earth, help lift their eyes (their attention and emotions) to Heaven by telling them to look up just like Jesus commands us to do in Luke chapter 21. This is how we keep letting the peace of God rule in our hearts…
God’s on His throne, folks, and His plans for the universe are being carried out. Praise God!
Let’s live like we’re already in Heaven. Doing so will lift us up, and others as well.
We’re about to have all tears wiped away, forever. Oh, thanks be to God! Hallelujah to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
Kadosh kadosh kadosh
Kadosh kadosh kadosh
Adonai Elohim tz’va’ot
Adonai Elohim tz’va’ot
Holy holy holy
Holy holy holy
O Lord our God Lord of hosts
O Lord our God Lord of hosts
Asher hayah
V’hoveh v’yavo
Asher hayah
V’hoveh v’yavo
Who was and Who is
And Who is to come
Who was and Who is
And Who is to come
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!
God bless,