Wow, it’s amazing. Because of the work Jesus is doing in my life, my identity, who I am, is no longer attached to circumstances, shame, unforgiveness, bitterness, pride, anger, worry, care, jealousy, the fear of man, etc. Hallelujah!
Challenges to our faith come up in everyone’s life. Something came up in my life this weekend. I could tell I needed Jesus’ help so I could deal with it His way. More than anything, He told me not to take on the “care” the situation was trying to put on me.
Wow, I’m just so thankful Jesus is removing all “care” from my life. Care used to consume and bury me in anger, frustration, confusion, and self-pity – really awful stuff. I mean, why would anyone want to hold onto that terrible stuff when Jesus is available to them? And what’s really gross is that I used to get others to take on the care, frustration, bitterness, unforgiveness, and all the rest, I was consumed by.
That’s one of the biggest reasons I love Jesus so much. He’s shown me how to give Him all my care, and it has really lightened my load, my spirit, and mind. =)
Oh, thank You, Lord. You’re so good to me, to anyone who will listen to Your great truths and do them.
I’m hearing more and more about people who’ve had something challenging come up in their life and they’ve had to choose between getting mad at God about it or asking His help to get them through it. Most people I’ve been hearing about have gotten so mad at God over their situation that they’ve abandoned Him altogether. Satan tricked them into leaving God, the One Person who could have set them free.
People, keep following God no matter what. If a challenging situation brings you to a fork in the road, don’t get mad at God and walk away from Him. Ask Him to help you get through it. He’s more than able to help us in our time of need.
I’ve traded my sorrows, care, shame, unforgiveness, bitterness, worry, anger, jealousy, coveting, all kinds of sin…For the joy of the Lord. Can’t even put into words how thankful and grateful I am to Jesus that He hung onto me all these years. I would have crashed and turned away from His love if He’d not continued to help me. After all, He’s the One Who showed me how to ask for His help and to come away from the sin of getting mad at Him that I was taught while growing up.
No matter what “it” is that you need to lay down (anger, care, unforgiveness, bitterness, unfulfilled dreams and goals, jealousy, whatever), lay it down for the joy of the Lord. Believe me, you’ll be SO GLAD YOU DID IT! His joy is so real and wonderful.
“I’m trading my sorrows
And I’m trading my shame
And I’m laying it down
For the joy of the Lord
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord
I’m pressed but not crushed
Persecuted, not abandoned
Struck down but not destroyed
And I am blessed beyond the curse
For His promise will endure
That His joy is going to be my strength.”
Lyric by Israel Houghton – Israel had a lot of sorrow, shame, pain, etc., in his own life. He chose not to hold onto it, not to let it define who he was, but to lay it all down for the joy of the Lord. The choice is ours. Therefore, choose life for the joy of the Lord. =)
Yes, yes Lord! I’ll lay down anything and everything for Your matchless joy. Amen!
God bless,