I’ve been trying to find a symbol that paints a picture in our minds to remind us to keep applying Romans 8:28; Ephesians 5:20 and 1 Thessalonians; and 2 Corinthians 10:5. I’d still like to find a three-arrow circle like the one above (but clockwise instead of counter-clockwise) that I can place these wonderful verses on.
Anyway, I like to keep these verses in mind throughout the day. I’ve asked God to remind me of their truths whenever I need them. Regardless of how I may be feeling on any given day, they’re kind of my antivirus to keep me safe from the enemy’s lies, his viruses that attack my faith, peace, joy, trust and rest in Jesus. They help me to keep dwelling in the secret place of the most High and abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. That’s home to me, and there’s no place like home!
As God helps me take on more and more of His character, these three powerful Biblical truths and commands protect my overall growth. They keep a hedge of protection around my walk with our precious Lord.
I can see billboards, hats, t-shirts, refrigerator magnets, aprons, and all kinds of items with the three arrows in a circle reminding us of these keys.
Remember that God’s working all things together for your good; to take thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ; and to thank and praise God (like the apostle Paul did when imprisoned) in all things, all circumstances.
God bless,