Ever wonder about how incredible Heaven’s going to be? And, it’s going to go way beyond our wildest dreams. We can’t really even imagine how amazing and different it will be…All of the intricate details that will fill our new, Heavenly senses.
In Proverbs 12:2, God says not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
Why? For many good reasons…
For one thing, if you’re of this world, if you’re living for this world, if the cares of this world are beginning to anchor your emotions in this world, you can be influenced by the fear of loss.
On the other hand, if you’re not of this world, your emotions are tied to Heaven. You don’t even fear death because in your spirit you now know that death will merely transport you to the world you really belong to/in, the Father’s world, Heaven, where every tear is wiped away, your true home, forever. There’s no loss, there’s no fear there.
Love not this life unto death (Revelation 12:11), and see what God can do in and with your life.
For The Kingdom,
God bless,