In God’s Presence is fullness of Joy. No one and nothing else in existence can bring us the fullness of joy His Presence manifests…
The following is taken from the June 22nd entry in the book “Jesus Always” by Sarah Young.
“Whenever you are feeling sad, I want you to anticipate feeling joy again. This takes the sting out of your sorrow because you know it is only temporary. Sadness tends to duplicate itself along the timeline – convincing you that you’ll always be unhappy. But this is a lie! The truth is, all My followers have infinite Joy ahead of them, guaranteed throughout eternity! No one can take this away from you.
Your path through this world has many ups and downs. Your down times are difficult, but they serve an important purpose. Pain and struggle help you change and grow stronger when you trust Me in the midst of adversity. Your troubles are comparable to a woman enduring labor pains. Her suffering is very real, and she may wonder how much longer she can bear the pain. However, this arduous struggle produces a wonderful result – a newborn baby. While you labor through your earthly struggles, keep your eyes on the promised reward: boundless Joy in Heaven! Even now you can grow in awareness of My Presence, where there is fullness of Joy.”
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11
God bless,