I had such a good time the other day talking with Judy, the receptionist, at my wife’s work place. Pretty Judy is so precious.
Judy and I spoke about Jesus, how wonderful and faithful He is; how we love hugs; how we’re learning what the Apostle Paul learned when he wrote “I’ve learned to be content in whatsoever state (condition or situation) I’m in (Philippians 4:11),” and that Paul could do all things through Christ who gave him strength (Philippians 4:13); that we can truly learn to be anxious for nothing, and that we are becoming better at unloading our cares by casting all our cares on Him. We talked about Heaven and how, no matter how we try to understand what it will be like, it will be far beyond our wildest imagination and dreams – and, mainly, because Jesus will be there and that, as His bride, we will be His, forevermore.
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Titus 2:13
Take time to think about Heaven, precious ones. It does us so much good.
God bless,