Exodus 24:8-12
Ann and I were talking about God’s Presence this morning and how incredible and supernatural it is – it’s unlike anything this earthly life can provide. God’s Presence is the most wonderful thing we’ve ever encountered. It permeates our whole being when He lets us experience Him in that way.
Then, we remembered how in Exodus 24, the Bible talks about the 70 elders of Israel, Moses Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu going up the mountain (Sinai) to meet with God. Wow, that must have been something.
As Marty Nystrom’s song, More of You, says, “All I want is more of You, Lord. I’m thirsty for more of You, Lord. Earthly things have we left me dry, only You can satisfy.” I want to come closer and closer to You, Lord.
We went outside to watch this morning’s eclipse, saw shooting stars, and a satellite. Our neighbors came out to see the sight as well and we talked about how incredible it is that the moon just hangs out there in the sky.
Only You can satisfy, Lord. It’s no wonder that all I want is more of You…Wonder-filled, You.
God bless,