Ever since God told me to keep my mind on Heaven so my mind, emotions and spirit won’t get bogged down with the “things of earth,” I’ve been attempting to renew my mind by trading concerns in this life for the joy that awaits us in Heaven – God told me to live in this life like I’m already in Heaven. This greatly helps me to keep things in their proper perspective. I get tempted (the devil loves it when I do) to give into earthly fears and conditions like anyone else, but God keeps bringing me back to Him, His promises, His love, and the glory of the Heavenly realm. I love to keep looking up. Brings my redemption (Jesus) into every situation and gives me His wonderful, everlasting hope and joy. Now that’s victory!
Keep Jesus and Heaven on your mind. It’s so good for you. Frees you from the trappings of this temporary existence.
We’re going home, forever. Yipee!
Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, crying out,
“Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns.”
Revelation 19:6
God bless,