The Sword Of The Spirit And Spiritual Freedom

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

And be not conformed to this world:  but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2

I have to tell you that when my wife and I began getting into the Word (seeing what it had to say about our spiritual condition), copying down verses the Lord led us to, taping them up all around our home, and saying the Word out loud, we felt a little funny because we’d never done this before.  BUT, we were so sick of the spiritual oppression, the fear, the worry (We didn’t even know or realize these were sins.  Once we knew they were sins, with God’s helps, we could deal with them in our lives), the generational strongholds, the defeating thoughts Satan was pounding us with that we finally resolved to “do” the Word no matter what.  That’s a good place to get to in life.  It means you’re on the road to spiritual recovery and the renewed mind.


The Sword Of The Spirit
By Joyce Meyer

The attacks of Satan against the church are more intense than ever before.  So many people are experiencing tremendous attacks against their minds and enduring great attacks of fear.

A person who learns to abide in the Word of God and let the Word abide in them will have a two-edged sword with which to do battle.  To abide means to remain, to continue in, or to dwell in.  If you make God’s Word a small part of your life, you will know only a partial truth and will experience only limited freedom.  But those who abide in it will know the full truth and will experience complete freedom.

My life used to be a mess because I was ignorant of the Word.  For many years I was a Christian who loved God and was active in church work, but I had zero victory because I did not know the Word.  Thankfully, I can now testify that the Word of God has caused me to be victorious and to recognize the attacks of Satan.

Learn the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to wield it by speaking, singing, or meditating on the portions of Scripture that you feel He is placing on your heart.

If you keep your sword drawn, the enemy won’t be so quick to approach you.  Speak the Word!


God bless,
