Howard Morgan – How Christianity Went from Jewish to Pagan

Wow, when I heard the following youtube video, I rejoiced.  It made Christianity crystal clear and so simple…

I truly believe that God wants Christians to be in His Presence all week long – I believe it’s totally possible since that’s what the Word teaches.  This is the blessing of being His child.  We are no longer to be conformed to this world – double-minded, or anxious and worldly some of the time and having His peace some of the time.  Because we’re now “born-again,” we can walk (live) in newness of life and trust God’s lead for our lives.

When I heard Messianic Jew, Howard Morgan speak on the Sid Roth program, I thought, “Yes, that’s it,” that’s where we’ve missed it in the western world.  I really hope you’ll take the time to listen to what Howard says in the youtube video below.  God wants so much to transform our lives so that we can live with His truths in our lives all the time.

How Christianity Went from Jewish to Pagan | Howard Morgan

To summarize what Howard shared:  (1.) God’s purpose is to bring us back to Him.  This is what life is all about.  He wants us to practice the feasts to remind us of what’s coming for us in the beautiful future He has in store for us.  He desires that we come back into relationship with Him, to be the light of the world by (2.) helping each other (as fellow Christians, as husbands and wives, and families and friends) grow in Him, (3.) and to proclaim that the Messiah is coming.

Howard (really, God did) makes Christianity so simple (simple as 1-2-3 above), and it’s available to us.  I love it.

God bless,
