“So Heavenly-minded that you’re no earthly good.” Wow, what a lie mankind has swallowed.
What lie(s) has and keeps you bound? Will you do whatever it takes to get honest with yourself? With God?
Every day, we choose life or death, Heaven or hell. It’s true. I know it is because God intervened in my life and showed me the difference my choices were making. I could keep living with the torment and oppression of the devil’s lies, or I could step out of that prison and into God’s light. I was so miserable and wiped out from living under the lies the enemy had planted in me that I was not going to be able to go on with life. Thankfully, God knew what it would take to get me to look up, to do anything to get to Him. God began to remove the fog of deception I was living in and under.
Am I willing to stay bound? Wow, I don’t think so. Not since I’ve tasted some of the freedom Christ has shown me. One word stood in the way of me being set free. Willing. Satan will do everything to keep us from “willing.”
I didn’t think the sin I was living with was that big of a deal until God began to set me free. I think that’s how it is for most of us.
Boy, to be carnally-minded really hit home to us this morning during our devotional time. Satan has us so focused on the things of earth and has us captive in generational strongholds and harmful behaviors that we don’t have time to be Heavenly-minded. We’re so fooled that we’ll even defend our carnally-trapped lives – This is how I was and I know it can be true of any of us. Pastor John Courson was so right when he said, “We’re no earthly good until we become Heavenly-minded.” Adam and Eve sinned and suddenly looked at themselves. Their focus came off Heaven and their Father, the liberty they enjoyed in Him. Now, their attention was enslaved to satan’s kingdom of carnality with all its wickedness, all the lies he’s made sure we continue to live with that are choking us off, dividing us, killing us. I’m not even able to write down all of the thoughts the Holy Spirit’s giving us about this. It goes so deep.
We need to get back to our Heavenly relationship with our Father. We need to come to God and ask His help to show us all the baggage we’ve been duped into carrying that’s weighing us down. Jesus died to set us free so His truth, His way, and His life could set us free, indeed. “Jesus, I don’t want to live bound. I want to be free, I want to go back to Eden, to You. Interrupt my life to the point that I want You and so that I’ll be willing to do whatever it takes to depart from whatever has me bound. Help me by showing me how I’ve been deceived. Show me all the knots and lies that have kept me from seeing You and all you have for me as Your child. Oh, dear Jesus, stop at nothing until I’m willing to let go of the carnality operating in me. Clothe me in Your righteousness, Your right living that will so set me free that my strength will be renewed like the eagles. Make me look up, Jesus, to all that You have for me. I want You more than anything.”
Life’s all about getting back to the glorious liberty Jesus can give us by looking up if we’re willing to be set free by being transformed by getting back to being Heavenly-minded.
God bless,