Loving Through Understanding










Ann and I loved each other when we first got married.  We just needed some guidance to know how to live in all the discoveries of joy Jesus has for marriage.  Fortunately, God had us move to Oregon to become involved in a church that could help us begin to see all that God had for our marriage.















Back in the 80s, our church counselor, Chuck, gave me the book, “Do Yourself a Favor:  Love Your Wife.”  The book really opened my eyes, showed me how selfish I really was and how that was hurting us.  The book also gave me a whole new picture of how I needed to love my wife.  It showed me how to lay down my life for her and clarified scripture that spoke of husbands loving their wives as Christ loved the church.  Recently, I read “Captivating (Revised and Updated:  Unveiling The Mystery of a Woman’s Soul.)”  Again, the Lord is using the book’s message to bless me with more understanding for my wife.  The more I understand Ann, the more I love her with Christ’s love and I find that my love for her grows.






I encourage you to seek out material that helps you love your mate the way Christ meant for us to love each other.  The rewards for doing so are so rich and deep.  His love of marriage is infinite and He brings that depth of love to our relationships if we’ll ask Him to help us grow in our understanding and love for each other.  And, we’ll understand more about God and love Him more.  That’s always a blessing to our souls.










Just this morning, Ann and I were discussing more about what we’re learning about Jesus.  It was really uplifting and powerful.  And once again, all over again, I felt the reason God brought us together.  He wanted to bless us with each other in Him.





Loving our wives as Christ loves the church will set us so free to enjoy all that God has for us as Christian men.  I promise you.  If you want the power of the resurrection in your life as a husband, learn to love your wife the way Jesus loves the church.  Die for her and let Jesus bring forth His powerful, immeasurable love and joy in you both.






God bless,
