The longer I walk with Jesus, the more I realize that when I’m weak (like when a migraine saps most of my physical strength and mental acuity), then I’m strong because of His faithfulness, love, grace and mercy. I’m learning, more and more, that apart from Him I can do nothing (John 15:5). God really comes through for me the more I’m yielded to Him like when I come to the end of my own strength. It’s pretty wonderful…
Satan will always tell us, “Don’t try being a “doer” of the Word. You’ll fail and look like a fool.” A fool? Really? To whom? Man? Do I fear man more than God? No! With Your help, Lord, I’ll not forsake You. I will be Your “doer” even when I have little of my own strength.
God is as fierce in battle as He is gentle as our Father.
אלוהים הוא עז בקרב הוא עדין כמו אבא שלנו
God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit – the real life, supernatural superheros from the Heavenly realm.
I’ve never liked bullies. Maybe like me you like movies and stories about heroes overcoming all and winning in the end – with God, we don’t have to wait until the end. You know, good guy/bad guy themes where the hero appears for such a time as this. I love it when the calvary comes over the hill at just the right time. Growing up, I liked Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Star Wars, and other such movies. I don’t know, I just love it when the bad guy gets his in the end. I also loved, Snow White, Beauty and Beast and other, similar stories. Guess I’m a romantic at heart as well.
Ann and I know we’re suppose to stand for God in our lives – for such a time as this. We’ve been scared to death and we’ve gotten so sick of the fear (all the bullies) that’s come against us over the years. Honestly, Ann and I don’t know much else other than to keep standing for Jesus however we can each day. Do we still get hit with intimidation and fear? Do we still feel like we can’t go on at times? Do we get weary in the battle? Yes. But, we both know God won’t let us retreat, and He keeps refreshing and revitalizing us when we need it the most. He’s blessing us for standing and He keeps leading us into more battles to bring us victories.
Satan resists praising God with all his puny might. Why? Because He wants to keep you bound to whatever he’s harming you with – pride, the fear of man (that one will really keep us from praising God and locked up in bondage), self-sufficiency, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, insecurity, hate, lust, jealousy, intimidation, fear, you name it. God inhabits the praises of His people. When we think of praising God, we’re often met with fearful, strange resistance. Something weird comes out of no where to keep us from praising God. That’s because there’s no way on earth that the devil wants God to come on the scene. When we praise God, God shows up. Mighty angels are requisitioned on our behalf to intervene. The calvary comes over the hill. The real superhero of hero’s, God Almighty, comes to our rescue. So, don’t be surprised that when you think of praising God that your attempt to do so will be met with a strange resistance of fear, intimidation, pride, feeling like a fool, etc. Praise God and see the deliverance of THE Lord.
And, it’s the same with every other scripture God commands us to put into action in our lives. God’s trying to rescue us and satan’s trying to keep us from believing and acting on the Word. Believe Romans 8:28. Believe you can cast all your cares on Jesus. Believe you can be careful for nothing. Believe that God will always back you up when you take a stand and operate in faith.
But without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). God works in those who step out in faith, those who believe His Word and act on it regardless of the amount or kind of resistance that comes against believing.
The Bible’s full of superheros, bad guy/good guy stories, romance, faithfulness, bullies and the rest. It’s the real deal for anyone who like me, likes to see the good guys win in the end and the bad guy get his just reward. In God’s will, I don’t only get to read about other heroes and how God showed up at just right time for His people. I get to live it myself without any striving. Go ahead, make your (and God’s) day. Follow Jesus’ lead.
Saul thought Goliath was too big to fight. David thought Goliath was too large to miss.
Baruch Hashem Adonai כבוד שם יהוה – Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
God wants to bless us with all that He is!
Whoa, what’s that hanging in my Bible? It looks like a superhero suit. Hmmm. Could it be…
Like David, am I being asked to load my sling? Am I to sleep with lions like Daniel? Is there a chance I could stand down today’s false prophets (fear, hate, unforgiveness, worry, jealousy, generational sins and fears) of Baal like Elijah? In my life, is it possible to see the turn around Paul, Silas and Joseph experienced? Could I really see miracles like Ruth, Esther, and Sara witnessed? Will I choose to live like those in Hebrews chapter 11?
“Yes, Lord Jesus, King of Kings, I will!”
Go ahead, put on that superhero suit (two of my favorites suits are the garment of praise and the whole armor of God mentioned in Isaiah 61:3 and Ephesians 6:11)…You’ll find that, because the suit was Tailor-made for you, it fits perfectly. Be God’s superhero, with all of Heaven’s resources and those who’ve gone on before you cheering you on, for such a time as this. You’ll be glad you did – for all eternity.
Do it for God, for Jesus and the Holy Spirit, for your wife/husband and family, for the others you know who are looking for something real. You have everything to gain and nothing but fear (and all the rest of the devil’s intimidating lies) to lose. You’ll (and quite possibly, others) never be the same. God will see to it!
We’ll never have another time like earth. For such a time as this! Onward and upward!
God bless,