Hebrews 12:22-23
Yipee! It’s Heavenly Friday. Yes, it’s okay to think about Heaven the rest of the week as well. ☺
So many distractions keep us from dwelling on Heaven. Making money so we can pay our bills, health items, traffic, religion, politics, wars and rumors of war, family matters, hurts, loss, pride, insecurities, concerned about the future, keeping up with the Joneses, etc. In Heaven, we’ll just have Heaven to occupy our time. We’ll be face to face, hug-to-hug and have long conversations with He Who is The Way, The Truth and The Life, Jesus. And we’ll have all of eternity to love on each other…Sounds good to me.
Take time to think about Heaven. It can really rejuvenate us.
Have a nice, Heavenly weekend.
God bless,