A Merry Heart

The following really speaks to me.  Circumstances in my life had made me (and it was impacting my precious family as well) miserable, angry, bitter and depressed for so many years.  I didn’t know how to change my heart.  Jesus has (and still is helping me) helped me to change and I’m so grateful.  Always ask for Jesus’ help to transform you by the power of the Holy Spirit.  While it can sometimes take time, as the Good Shepherd of our souls, Jesus can do it.

A Merry Heart
Joyce Meyer’s entry for August 28th in her “Closer to God Each Day Devotional”

A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.
Proverbs 17:22

God is life, and every good thing He created is part of that life.  We can get so caught up in doing and accomplishing, in working and earning, that if we are not careful, we will come to the end of our life and suddenly wake up and realize that we never really lived.  God desires for us to enjoy life and live it to the full, till it overflows.

We have a choice in life.  We can grumble our way through our troubles, or we can draw closer to God in difficult times, going through any trouble we face with a merry heart.  Either way, we will all deal with troubles from time to time, so why not take the joy of the Lord as our strength and be filled with energy and vitality?

In John 15, Jesus talks about abiding in Him.  In verse 11, He says, “I have told you these things that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy and gladness may be of full measure and complete and overflowing.”  Jesus made it possible for us to have merry hearts.  With His help, no matter what you go through, you can put a smile on your face and enjoy every day of your life in Him.

Don’t spend your life waiting for things to change before you can become happy.  Make the decision to be happy now.






God bless,
