Always be joyful (Rejoice always). Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Seems like the devil was always giving me something to complain and be unhappy about. He loved the fact that I was believing his lies and, as a result, living in such misery, that I was choosing death each day.
On the other hand, Jesus has His incredible, wonderful, amazing, deep peace for His disciples, that is, for anyone who will follow Him and learn to do His ways – True life.
I came to the crossroads in my life and had to make a decision. Was I willing to stop listening to the lies of my enemy and to begin to believe and act on God’s Word?
The above scripture is just one of the many verses God used to help me overcome all my complaining, torment, bitterness, unforgiveness, unhappiness, hurt over broken dreams, jealousy, anger, anxiety, heartache, and more.
If you find yourself believing a lie (or lies) of the enemy like I did for too many years, do what Jesus is encouraging each of us to do in the verse above. No matter how you feel, no matter the source of the attack, rejoice always, keep praying, and be thankful in all circumstances. Doing so will set you free from the fiery darts of the enemy. I promise.
Happy Monday!
God bless,