Victory Over Stress

For those of you who may not recognize Pastor Jon Courson’s name, Jon is a well-known Calvary Chapel pastor who pastor’s a church called “Applegate Christian Fellowship” in Jacksonville, Oregon. Jon lost his first wife and a daughter to identical head injuries in separate automobile accidents.

I copied down Pastor Peter John’s words (below the line break) that his pastor father, Pastor Jon Courson, re-played at Peter John’s memorial service held on February 10th in Jacksonville, Oregon. Peter John spoke to the church he helped pastor about a week before he went to be with Jesus. I thought his words were really good for all of us to remember. Praise Jesus, our Prince of Peace.

“The Lord just spoke to me as I sat down. First of all, He said, “Good job, you made it.” Secondly, though, He just said this as I sat down right here in front of you guys. This is how every single one of you is going to feel. Oh, this is just a slight, um, caricature, this is just a sneak preview, this is exactly something you are going to feel that first moment you breathe your last here on earth and say, “Arrivederci,” or whatever it might be, and (with your next breath) you say, in the presence of the Lord, “Hallelujah!” And all of Heaven; the angels round about; all of Heaven; the saints that have gone on before you; the family and the friends that you are missing and looking for, it’s going to be better than even this (all of the people in church together that Peter John was speaking to). Oh, I’m amazed (deep sigh and breath). Here I am in the presence of my brothers and my sisters, at a moment and an hour, I don’t know what tomorrow holds, neither do you. But, I have a peace from God in my heart that’s guarding my mind and my soul. Let me tell you why that’s so important. You already know, but to have your mind and your soul, or your heart, guarded means you don’t have to come up with the answers. It means you don’t have to know why something is happening, or how come this is taking place, and that goes on over there. But, there’s a peace that comes with which He guards your mind and heart in Christ Jesus. Me, too.”

I’ve been researching cluster migraines again online. Yesterday, I saw where cluster migraine people are 20 times more likely to commit suicide. Also, although many cluster migraine sufferers have very severe PTSD, some are discovering that LSD and psilocybin mushrooms, both of which are illegal, are curing their cluster headaches and allowing them to live more normal lives.

I’ve (Mark) been having more of my cluster migraines and they’ve left me pretty weak and brain-weary. But, one of the greatest things in my life is that my weakness has pretty much forced me to have to rely on Jesus, His leading, His grace, mercy, peace, rest, love and joy – Count it all joy has really helped lift me. I don’t ever have to fear weakness because it’s taught me to lean on Jesus and I’m truly finding that when I’m weak, He’s strong. And, there’s nothing on earth like His strength to get you through. ☺

I really like the kinds of readings like the ones I find in the daily devotionals Ann and I read every morning. I like Merlin Carothers’ books, too, because they meet me right where I’m at and inspire me to live above circumstances. We can rely on Jesus, precious people. Really.

The following was taken from today’s reading in the Joyce Meyer daily devotional, “Closer to God Each Day.” I hope it blesses your day. ☺

Now we serve not under [obedience to] the old code of written regulations, but [under obedience to the promptings] of the Spirit in newness [of life].

There are times in life when we have to deal with stress, but we can be on top of it, not under it. Through the Holy Spirit’s guidance and power, we can handle our work and responsibilities with ease instead of stress. As we follow the promptings of the Spirit we will know how to handle each situation we encounter.

All of us have situations that come our way that we don’t like. But with the power of God, we can go through those circumstances while also avoiding stress. The more we lean on, and trust in, God, the easier life is. Every situation in life is not “easy,” but we can handle them with what I call “Holy Spirit Ease.” In other words, God empowers us to do whatever we need to do through Him. He energizes us and helps us.

God will guide us, but we need to trust Him enough to follow His directions. He never gives us any advice that is not for our benefit and progress in life. God is leading you into a place of victory and triumph, not into a place of defeat. As you follow His lead, I believe you will experience less stress than ever before. He may prompt you not to do something you want to do, or to do something you don’t want to do, but obedience to His leadership keeps us from taking wrong roads in life and wasting time and energy!

Simply obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit will often relieve stress quickly.

Onwards and upwards! ☺

Counting it all joy,
