The Book, And Heaven

Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written.
John 21:25

It is written…I love reading those words in the Bible.

The Bible (Meaning “The Book”) was mainly written about earth – This life. Think about that for a minute…

The Word we have in printed form (The Bible) is pretty much about earth and speaks little about everything else that you and I know nothing or very little about.

For the time being, you and I are limited to this finite existence. But God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have always been and dwell in eternity – Yep, that’s mind-blowing. Who knows how much more They know about all of life, living, existence, new frontiers, eternity. How many more “books” do They have? Isn’t that fun to think about?

Heaven. It’s all out there is front of us, precious people.

Image result for infinite heaven images

God bless,
