No One Else Could Do It For Me

I have a very limited view of my life. I have no idea what today and tomorrow may bring. On the other hand, God sees my entire life and every moment and event in it. Because of my limited perspective, I was prone to being a sourpuss because I had a hard time believing God was truly working all things together for my good.

God was leaving me with no other choice – Thank You, Jesus. I had to finally take a leap of faith and line up with His vision/perspective of my life, with His truth found in Romans 8:28.

Believing and living in Romans 8:28 was something no one else could do for me. Like all of us, I had to finally put it to the test in my own life, mind and emotions. And, I found that it’s true. Now, I think it’s one of the most wonderful blessings/truths God has ever brought into my life because of the PTSD and anxiety in my life.

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As long as I wasn’t sure if God could possibly work all things together for my good, like the faces above, I was a double-minded man, unstable in all my ways – Up one moment/day, and down the next. That kind of life stinks.

FINALLY, God motivated me by allowing me to get fed up and sick and tired of being double-minded to the point that I began believing, I mean really believing, that He is able to, and was actually working all things together for my good.

There’s nothing like living with faith in God all the time, in all circumstances. Sudden fear and care no longer weigh me down for long periods of time like they used to. Faith/fear, faith/fear, faith/fear, happy/sad, happy/sad, happy/sad – Double-minded. Yucky! I had to dump the pity party unbelief had me stuck in and make a change.

I think you get the picture I’m trying to paint for how I was. Faith is better. So is knowing that God IS working all things together for my good. MUCH better!

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Romans 8:28. Yes, it’s the real deal!

So come on, let’s go! Let’s see what Jesus has in store for us today.

God bless,
