Romans 8:28

We’re so blessed to know Jesus. I was praying this morning that God would pour out His wonderful Spirit on Ann and me, and our city. I want so much for people to know God’s love. I know He has the same desire…

While praying, God reminded me that Romans 8:28 means there are no bad days as one of His children. I may have days when life seems harder, but that doesn’t mean He’s not working in it to bless me. God is always working all things together for our good, and if I’ll listen to Him, I’ll see His faithfulness in all things.

He’s always teaching us, blessing us, and changing us from glory to amazing glory. He merely asks that we be willing to listen to His precious, comforting Holy Spirit’s still, small voice encouraging us to keep running this Christian race – even if we’re in a bed of pain. He tells us He’s with us all along the way. He’s changing us into His glorious image with every minute of our day. He’s showing us more of His powerful love, mercy, strength, peace, rest and joy.

Listen to the still, small voice every minute, precious people. You’ll hear Him telling you how much He loves you and that He’s in control while healing your soul and making you more and more free in His infinite love.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28


God bless,
