Getting To Know Jesus Changes Everything

The devil can so deceive us with “care.” He’ll disguise care any way he can to get us to carry it. It can come through hurt, anger, unforgiveness, striving, responsibility, pride, and so many other avenues. And, he lies to us making us think we must continue to carry cares.

With CCPTSD, I was in an IC (Intensive Care) for many decades. Only Jesus could release from the prison the devil’s lies had me living in.

Oh, precious Jesus, please set us free from all care as we agree to cast it all on You, wonderful Savior, for you to deal with. Thank You so much for lightening us from the heavy burden of care. You truly are the Good Shepherd. You are the Good Shepherd. You are the Good Shepherd. You are the Good Shepherd. Thank You for watching over our minds, bodies, emotions and souls. Lord Jesus. Thank You that you will be faithful to do Your almighty work in our lives. Hallelujah!

I don’t know what kind of “care” you’re trying to carry these days, but I do know the One Who wants to set you free from all care, and He’s so loving, powerful and wonderful. Casting all my care on Him (where all care belongs) is one of the most fun things I can experience. Really!

Doing God’s Word has nothing to do with legalism. It has everything to do with setting me/us free indeed. The more I follow the Word, the more I’m enjoying Life. ☺

Yipee! Jesus is setting me free!

I’m getting so blessed obeying the Holy Spirit. He keeps surprising me with how much more “care” I can cast on Him and how He’ll take “care” of whatever I agree to give Him to work out however He wants to in His time. It just keeps amazing me.

I knew the Bible verses that indicated Christians should and could have God’s peace, rest and joy. I knew a lot of them by heart. But I still didn’t have those Spiritual attributes operating in my life. As time went on, I met Christians who seemed to be able to trust in the Lord at all times – how I did not yet know. And to make it worse, some believed in Romans 8:28 and said it gave them peace that put a stop to their worrying and fussing. For the first time in their lives, they knew God was in control of their lives and it made such a difference in their lives. Knowing God was in control of their lives gave them a new sense of calm and control in life.

Well, I knew I had to have what they had. When I found out how to go about getting what they had in Jesus, I began doing what they did to get Jesus’ peace – Really, it was getting Jesus into me. And it worked!

That’s why I write Choosing Jesus Everyday emails. I want others to know Jesus and His incredible faithfulness, peace, rest and joy. There is simply nothing like Jesus living in me.

Thanking and praising God in all things,


Note: While we may not agree with everything a particular church or Christian group teaches or believes, there are times when we can be blessed by something outside the realm of our current understanding of God.