Shalom – A Free, Supernatural, Invaluable, And Precious Gift

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There are no words to describe the difference God’s peace makes in our lives. It’s something each person must experience for themselves. You’ll know you’re experiencing God’s supernatural Shalom when your own understanding no longer oppresses or torments (to me, it’s like the “chaos” in Kimberly’s Shalom definition below) you. You’re at a place where you can simply trust God with circumstances.

God wants to transform us so that we can live life like He would have us live it – free from the fear and care of being upset with situations our weak flesh flinches at.

We can’t buy God’s type of peace (Shalom). That peace comes from Him alone and it’s always available to those who will take it in and let it change their lives inside out.

I could have billions of dollars and still not have a mind that has been renewed and transformed by the Word of God.

I’ve just received an email reply from our dear friend, Kimberly, regarding the comforter email I sent out . Kimberly sent me the definition of Shalom. After looking at the definition, I realized again that our greatest need isn’t money. In fact our greatest need has nothing to do with agreeable, satisfying circumstances. Our greatest need is to have God living in us. To have His peace in all situations is such a luxury and blessing. We are so rich when we are most like Jesus. Peace, contentment, rest, love, self-control, joy in the Holy Ghost…Nothing compares with Jesus. Nothing.

Today, we really need to let God comfort us. We need to have faith in His unfailing Word and Love for us. The Truth is, God has always been faithful throughout all of time. He’s not going to change now. That’s impossible. ☺

For I am the Lord, I change not;
Malachi 3:6a

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

Here is the “Shalom” email I received from Kimberly. Enjoy –

So Good (Regarding The Comforter Email)!
Reminds me of the meaning of shalom (peace) I recently read about:
Shalom is the Hebrew word we translate as “peace”. This word means much more than peace. It means wholeness, wellness, well-being, safe, happy, friendly, favor, completeness, to make peace, peace offering, secure, to prosper, to be victorious, to be content, tranquil, quiet, and restful. The pictographic symbols for the word shalom (shin, lamed, vav, mem) read “Destroy the authority that binds to chaos.” The noun shalom is derived from the verbal root shalam, which means “to restore,” in the sense of replacing or providing what is needed in order to make someone or something whole and complete.
So shalom is used to describe those of us who have been provided all that is needed to be whole and complete and break off all authority that would attempt to bind us to chaos.

Sweet Peace – True Comfort

GOD bless your day!

Thanking and praising God in all things,
