The Flu Blessing

Something’s happening in the Spirit with me.

It probably wasn’t food poisoning last week after all since Annie seemed to have a touch of the same bug about two days after I got it.

I was in bed most of the day on Friday. It was such a huge blessing. I slept and woke up throughout the day and felt the presence of the Lord like I haven’t experienced in a while. He began speaking such marvelous things to me. Then it dawned on me that what was happening was that I was being forced to “still” myself.

It is so sweet to still yourself before Jesus. I could tell He was calling me to do this like I did in Oregon in the 80s. The experience was like nothing else in life and beyond all expectations.

Today, Annie asked me to take a few days in the next week or so to be with Jesus – Further confirmation. Annie always feels more covered and protected when I still myself before Jesus.

So, I may take a break from writing for a little bit to be alone with Jesus. I get so excited just thinking about it. I’ve never done anything as wonderful as spending time stilling myself before Him.

Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10a). Wow, what a blessing to hear Jesus calling you to come away from everything to still yourself in His matchless Presence.

Thanking and praising God in all things,
