Decide To Follow Jesus

Choose: to select freely and after consideration; decide; pick; to want; desire

The darkness of this world had so damaged me, us. I finally decided I had to do something about the hopeless, seemingly bottomless misery my mind was trying to cope with. By the grace of God, we had been listening to some teachings by someone else who had to choose to follow God at all costs because their life was so distraught. They could no longer deal with the fear and disappointment they had been drowning in. As a last resort, they chose to believe God’s Word. They had to find out if it was true and if it could deliver them from the impact darkness was having on them.

Many have come to the same conclusion brought on by the defeating circumstances they were trying to overcome without success.

Choosing Jesus at all costs is the best decision Annie and I ever made. It set us on a path straight to the Kingdom and all of its supernatural, spiritual riches. It has been a long and difficult process to renew our minds to God’s Truth. We still have so much to learn and to enjoy in His vast, wonderful, liberating Kingdom. We’re being drawn more and more by His matchless Love that is healing our minds.

We were talking about some things yesterday during lunch. We talked about Ephesians 6:10 (see below) and how we are actually experiencing the power of His might, how it is making us strong in ways we hadn’t dare imagine. We can feel God’s Light reaching into our souls while it dispels the darkness we’d been trapped in for so long. That His power can actually make it possible for us to trust Him and to believe Romans 8:28 is a miracle when we consider where we’ve come from.

The power of His might. Wow, what power. It is really something. We’re seeing more and more that the power of His might is not about worldly possessions and success. No, it’s about making our minds and spirits restful, secure, safe and strong in His care of our lives at all times. It’s about giving us the unsurpassed ability to trust Him with our lives no matter what, to truly count it all joy. That is a mountain top that cannot be reached without Christ living in us. His Word living in us and keeping us from the harm darkness had been strangling us with for so long is truly remarkable. We are so thankful and now rejoice that God made it obvious that we needed to choose Him at all costs.

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Ephesians 6:10

Thanking and praising God in all things,

Note: While we may not agree with everything a particular church or Christian group teaches or believes, there are times when we can be blessed by something outside the realm of our current understanding of God.