About Jesus

About Jesus

He’s what the Bible is all about

He’s the way back to Eden

He’s helping me (Mark) overcome religious pride

He taught us to ask for His help whenever we needed it and the rewards for waiting for His timing

Jesus continues to show us how to dwell in the secret place of the Most High (Psalm 91)

He’s teaching us how to maintain a “still” spirit, how being still can enable us to maintain a calm perspective by realizing and knowing that He’s working all things for our good  (which protects us – Romans 8:28), and improve our discernment

He’s shown us the power of His Word over discouragement

He’s shown us how to make and keep our home a peaceful, joyful, restful sanctuary

He saved our marriage

He’s saved us from the torment of the “Whys” in life and replaced them with the peace that passes understanding

He’s shown us that He sent The Comforter (Holy Spirit) to bring comfort to every area of life starting with our marriage and family

He’s making me a better husband – can’t thank Him enough for Ann

He taught me how to lovingly discipline our children – what a joy this was

He’s shown us the practical  reason and value of praising Him in all things

He reminds us to keep life simple and to not become too busy

To help me have victory over my past and to maintain peace and joy into the future, Jesus told me that I must believe and act on Romans 8:28 for the rest of my life.  This lesson alone can stop so much oppression.

He’s shown us we can trust Him as He’s calmed the storms in our lives

He’s truly showing us that His yoke is easy and His burden, light

He continues to show us how much we can rest in Him

He’s shown me the treasures in Ann’s life He knew I needed and vice versa

He’s setting us free from generational strongholds

He always gave us what we needed when we were near to losing the strength to go on

He’s taught us the liberty that comes with being deliberate in our thought life

He’s taught us three liberating keys to the kingdom – To take thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ; that He’s working all things together for our good; to thank and praise Him in all things.

He’s excited our hearts by showing us that He’ll continue to show us His ways, forever

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.  As we testify to His faithfulness, more and more will be encouraged to live for the Lord and the testimonies will keep multiplying and more and more people will overcome.





We really like Dr. Chuck Missler’s (Khouse.org) Description of Jesus –

“He’s King of the Jews, King of Israel, King of all the
Ages, King of Heaven, King of Glory, King of Kings, and
Lord of Lords, and the real question is, do you know Him?
Do you really know Him?

He’s a prophet before Moses; a priest after Melchizedek; a
champion like Joshua; an offering in place of Isaac; a
king from the line of David; a wise counselor above
Solomon; a beloved/rejected/exalted son like Joseph, and yet far more.

The Heaven’s declare His glory and the firmament shows His handiwork; He Who is, Who was, and Who always will be; The first and the last, the Alpha and Omega; the Aleph and the Tau, the A and the Z; He’s the first fruits of them that slept.

He’s the “I AM that I AM,” the voice of the Burning Bush!

He’s the Captain of the Lord’s Host; the conqueror of
Jericho; enduringly strong; entirely sincere; eternally
steadfast; immortally graceful; imperially powerful;
impartially merciful.

In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily, the very
God of very God; He’s our Kinsman-Redeemer and He is our
Avenger of Blood; our City of Refuge; Our Performing High
Priest; Our personal prophet; Our reigning King.

He’s the loftiest idea in literature; the highest
personality in philosophy; the fundamental doctrine of

He’s the miracle of all the ages, the superlative of
everything good.

You and I are the beneficiaries of a love letter. It was
written in blood on a wooden cross erected in Judea 2,000
years ago.

He was crucified on a cross of wood yet He made the hill
on which it stood; by Him were all things made that were
made; without Him was not anything made that was made; by
Him are all things held together!

What held Him to that cross? It wasn’t the nails! (At
any time He could have declared “I’m out of here!”) It
was His love for you and me.

He was born of a woman so that we could be born of God; He
humbled Himself so that we could be lifted up; He became a
servant so that we could be made joint-heirs with Him; He
suffered rejection so that we could become His friends; He
denied Himself so that we could freely receive all things;
He gave Himself so that He could bless us in every way.

He is available to the tempted and the tried; He blesses
the young; He cleanses the lepers; defends the feeble;
delivers the captives; discharges the debtors and forgives
sinners; He franchises the meek; guards the besieged;
heals the sick; provides strength to the weak; regards the
aged; rewards the diligent; serves
the unfortunate; sympathizes and saves!

His offices are manifold; His reign is righteous; His
promises are sure; His goodness is limitless; His light is
matchless; His grace is sufficient; His love
never changes; His mercy is everlasting; His Word is
enough; His yoke is easy and His burden is light!

He’s indescribable, incomprehensible, irresistible,

The Heaven of heavens cannot contain Him; man cannot
explain Him; the Pharisees couldn’t stand Him and soon
learned they couldn’t stop Him; Pilate couldn’t find any
fault with Him; the witnesses couldn’t agree against Him;
Herod couldn’t kill Him; death couldn’t handle Him; the
grave couldn’t hold Him!

He has always been and always will be; He had no
predecessor and will have no successor; you can’t impeach
Him and He isn’t going to resign; His name is
above every name that at the name of Yeshua (Jesus) every
knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord!

 His is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever, Amen!”

You may also enjoy viewing Dr. Chuck Missler’s youtube
video titled Dr. Chuck Missler – Mathematics Says Yeshua
(Jesus) is Messiah