Also, many other books and music have ministered to us over the years. We’ve listed those items that have meant so much to us and are sure we’ve forgotten some others.
Next, I want to really emphasize praising and thanking God in all things. Worshipping God this way, especially when we didn’t feel like doing it, really began to set us free from the negative way we reacted to circumstances that were beyond our control. We came to find out that God was always in control and teaching us to trust Him, and to enter His rest by believing He would work all things for our good. This is what renewing your mind is all about – See the Three Kingdom Keys To Renewing Your Mind page.
In closing, God brought us whatever He thought would minister to us and take us higher whenever we needed it. God is so awesome, His timing perfect, and we praise His mighty Name.
The Bible
Do Yourself A Favor; Love Your Wife by Dr. H. Page Williams
What Is A Family by Edith Schaeffer
Prison to Praise by Merlin Carothers – So powerful and liberating.
Power in Praise by Merlin Carothers – Greater detail on why praise works
Spiritual Warfare: Fighting the Good Fight of Faith by Pastor Brian Brodersen – This is one of the best books on the topic
Battle Field Of The Mind by Joyce Meyer (See Joyce’s youtube videos as well)
Renewing The Mind by Pastor Casey Treat
Internal Affairs: Emotional Stability in an Unstable World by Dr. Larry Hutton
Hinds Feet On High Places by Hannah Hurnard – I (Mark) was a member of the “Fearings.”
Waiting On God by Andrew Murray (Earlier Edition Is Better) – We believe God accomplishes His finest work as we wait on Him.
Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Charles Stanley
The Chronicles Of Narnia by CS Lewis
Music – Many Appear on Youtube (We’re Not Too Fond Of Loud Guitars)
Marantha Music Praise Series
Sandy Patti
Don Moen
The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
Therefore The Redeemed Of The Lord Shall Return on youtube
Marty Nystrom
Chris Tomlin
Twila Paris
The Classic Hymns
Bill Gaither – Youtube videos can be entertaining with a solid message as well
Silverwind – They are now some on youtube. They have powerful, delivering testimonies as well. They sing of times behind the Iron Curtain and of God’s faithfulness. Their music helped us through some really broken times when we also felt imprisoned in our circumstances.
Keith Green
2nd Chapter Of Acts
Dennis Jernigan
Teachings – Many Appear on Youtube
Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn – The Resistance Secret, The Arabah, The Keburah (and so many of his other youtube videos)
Pastor TD Jakes – Nothing You Have Been Through Shall Be Wasted on youtube. This is an outstanding teaching for anyone who can’t overcome regrets and the past. God can redeem anything!
Joyce Meyer – Many of Joyce’s youtube videos are very powerful and offer deliverance from bitterness, anger, abuse, dislike of self, unforgiveness, etc.
The lives of the precious people we got to know and love at Christ’s Center Church in Oregon. Their lives taught us so much about marriage, family, keeping the home a sanctuary, Christ’s love, loving the downtrodden, and simple Christian living.