Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners–of whom I am the worst.
1 Timothy 1:15
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
Luke 19:10
I know a lot about worry. I was lost in it. It’s my number one sin.
My inability to stop worry is why I can’t ever boast about my close walk with Jesus. I had to be close to Him to keep from experiencing horrible consequences.
Thank goodness, Jesus will not stop operating in our hearts until He sets us free from whatever sin seeks to control and destroy our lives.
In my life, “care” is like an addiction. I come from a pretty good familial background of worry.
I can overdose (O.D.) on it in a hurry. If I entertain any care, my body and mind go to work and create more and more worry and fear. It can be suffocating, and really snowball making it nearly impossible to stop.
Care can cause other problems like eating disorders and other nervous habits.
I now know that God had a plan for my life that included learning how to trust Him with all my heart. That’s one reason He had my family attend church. He knew I’d need to learn scriptures – to know Jesus – that would become my salvation from fear.
What are we going to do about so and so? We’re going to turn it over to Jesus and trust Him with it.
Silverwind – “My prayer is that you’ll stay with Jesus long enough for Him to remove all your fears.”
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
1 Peter 4:6-7
Boy, this is really something, and reminds me, once again, that all things work together for good. I’m telling you, folks, stay with Jesus. We don’t ever have to take on care, worry, fear, frustration and the resulting anger, and bitterness. Allow Him the time it takes to show you that He makes all things beautiful in His time.
I woke up this morning with some things on my mind. I had shallow breathing indicating that I was taking on worry and “care.” I was having an anxiety attack. I caught myself trying to figure out how some things were going to play out and what their impact might be. I’m not saying we can’t think things through. This was worry, pure and simple, and God wants to rescue us from all worry.
Ann and I prayed and asked Jesus to take control of all of the thoughts and items I had on my mind. We got up and left those things with Him. We’d cast our cares on Him.
About 15 minutes later, the Lord spoke to my heart in a way that reminded me that He’s in control and that I must cast all my cares on Him.
As many of you know, for nearly 54 years now, I’ve been dealing with anxiety disease and panic disorder – we’re now pretty certain that the root of these disorders is due to my body’s inability to deal with toxins.
Years ago, we were given a book by a Harvard doctor (he was a pioneer in the study of anxiety disease and panic disorder) that said a person with anxiety disease peaks out at about 100 times the normal person when it comes to things in life that cause fear, and the fight or flight syndrome. It went on to say that an anxiety disease person would have 100 times the fear that the soldiers at Normandy had when they landed. By the way, fear short-circuits most everything in the body and especially our thinking processes. Fear can be awful for me.
Well, this morning when the Lord reminded me about casting all my cares (no matter the source) on Him, He shared with me that my panic disorder has really been a blessing in disguise and that He’s known about it all along. He knew I was going to have to learn to turn everything, and I mean everything, over to Him so I could learn to trust Him, every minute of the day. If not, I was going to be miserable. And, my fear would have an impact on those around me.
God told me He’s allowed whatever is causing my anxiety so that I could learn to trust Him with all my heart and then tell others they could as well. He wanted me to drive home the point that He really wants us to cast (and to do it a thousand times a day if that’s what it takes) all our cares on Him so He can bring His mighty, delivering peace to our souls.
Wow, that really ministered His joy to my spirit and I could feel His deep peace replacing the fear as it left me. It was kind of like taking off cold, wet clothing and stepping into a hot shower.
Jesus is so merciful. Even when we’re tempted to think He’s disinterested in our cares, He’s caring for us and watching over our hearts. What a Deliverer He is.
It’s just so amazing how He works and how wonderful He is. He allowed fear to teach me to exercise my faith.
The supernatural power in the Word is real, and I’m so thankful for my precious Jesus.
Our Shepherd is leading us to green pastures and still waters. As we cast our cares upon Him, He’s restoring our souls. ☺
For thou (Jesus) art with me…
God bless,